WE ARE CELEBRATING 17th YEARS Of BUSINESS Providing Outstanding IT Implementation and Advisory Services THIS MARCH SHIVAGYA INFOSOFT IS MARKING IT’S 17th YEARS OF OPERATIONS!   Shivagya Infosoft was created seventeen years ago with a single aim in mind: to sell and provide outstanding delivery services for leading Software Development, Website Development, Mobile App Development,

According to a new report, global eCommerce revenues exceed one trillion US dollars – and the trend is upward. Today, any second company operates internationally, and the majority of them also engage in international digital marketing. Ecommerce shop owners have a lot of potentials when it comes to selling their goods overseas. However, multinational digital

In international SEO, your foreign websites should not be “copied and pasted” copies of your home country website in various languages, even though this is what many websites do. Yes, translating and localizing website material is one of the first steps. However, you must then tailor the websites for the local audience of each region,

Google and Facebook react through policy adjustments to the greed of some capitalists and support SMEs in repairing their missed revenue by subsidized online ads. Find a new function in the Google Keyword Planner and investigate the change to traffic on the major networks involved. Changes in strategy for the key PPC publicity channels There

Collection of Laravel Lazy

Lazy Collection is a class offering generators for the array objects. You can notice the set class used for wrapping array objects when you encounter Laravel 5.x edition. Also, essentially, we have a new collection named Lazy Collection and a Regular Collection Class in Laravel 6. Route of class collections – project_folder\vendor\laravel\framework\src\illuminate\supports\collection.php class of Lazy

Given the enormous success of the Laravel framework among developers and the exceptional capabilities, it provides to consumers. To produce better performance, every client is actively searching for smarter ways of improving Laravel’s websites and technologies. As a result, we discovered one of the most common frameworks. Laravel has advanced its functionality by including a

The precision of the code is very important nowadays. If somebody announces, “Hey, I deployed a software!” It’s a good thing, but if you think, “Hey, I made some good software!” it will have a big effect. Writing high-quality coding is not a time-consuming and monotonous process. It will be as though you are planting


Mobile app research is becoming increasingly important for any company that wants to succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape and remain competitive! The most popular problems with a smartphone app could be avoided if the app was thoroughly tested before release. Mobile has become an essential part of everybody’s life, be it people or companies.

The Stellar network is an open-source, distributed blockchain-based ledger and database that enables cross-asset value transactions, including payments. Lumens (XLM) are Stellar’s native digital assets (XLM). In other words, Stellar is the payment network (via Horizon API and Stellar Core) and Lumens (XLM) is the cryptocurrency. Most applications may communicate with the stellar network through


Big Data is driving the future and requiring organizations to take a holistic approach to data analysis to make better-informed decisions. Big Data brings with it both new opportunities and new threats. It is distinguished primarily by the length, range, uncertainty, and sophistication of the content. However, the amount is not the main focus; what