Auction Portal
The client wanted to create an online auction site in the Netherlands that would replace the conventional method of buying and selling impersonally. With the creation of Lyka, the client seems to have reaped substantial benefits from the platform, as it now offers a diverse variety of goods to a large number of consumers in a hassle-free, convenient, and fast manner. It is now possible for them to meet the ever-increasing consumer demand.

Tools & Technology
- Framework: Magento
- Programming Language: PHP, jQuery, JavaScript
- Database: MYSQL
- Integration: PayPal
- Development Tool: Sublime
The Client
Our client agreed to open a bidding website due to the ever-changing eCommerce market and shifts in customer purchase behavior. They desired a marketplace with a diverse range of product types and an easy-to-use user interface for browsing the website and locating items at a reasonable price.
Core requirements were:
- Make your website available in many languages.
- Bidders may position a static or proxy request.
- Allow the administrator to set VAT and additional costs for proxy and static bids, as well as a reserve price for an auction.
Here, we aim to have the best services and solutions available. And, since Magento is still successful, we developed an eCommerce shop to replace the conventional approach of purchasing and selling methods. It has an easy-to-use front-end that is available in two languages, as well as back-end functionality for conducting dependable auctions.
Our Magento developers ended up designing a sensitive website for Lyka that included personalized features and a plethora of other amenities that provided the bidder with a pleasurable experience. We also gave the new bid an eye-catching look with the banner slider, which included brief details as well as the highest bid made to it. Furthermore, to ensure that bidders do not miss anything, we had put all active and potential auction records, as well as closed auction data, on the home screen.
The following is the standout features:
- English and Dutch are supported in several languages.
- Admin will set the ‘Next Minimum Bid,’ which is the smallest increment made to the bidder’s proxy bid number.
- Bidders were told whether they had made the overall bid or the highest overriding bid.
- Admin was able to reserve a minimum price to begin bidding on a product.